Current Affair Category: International Relations

July 29, 2024

United Nations’ State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI): 2024

More than half of India’s total population (55.6 per cent) is unable to afford a healthy diet, according to the United Nations’ State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report published on July 24, 2024. Although this proportion has seen a continuous decline (except in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic stuck), it was still higher […]

July 29, 2024

What is the right to be forgotten?

The “right to be forgotten” is the concept that an individual’s personal data stored by an organization or service provider has to be erased on the individual’s request. It is a legal right granted under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which protects the personal data of individuals in the European Union (EU). However, the right to be […]

July 25, 2024

India’s elderly population expected to double by 2050: UNFPA

The elderly population of India is expected to double by 2050, according to United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) India chief Andrea Wojnar. This includes the factors of India’s youthful population, ageing population, urbanisation, migration, and climate resilience. the number of individuals who are 60 years of age and above is projected to double to 346 […]

July 23, 2024

Importance of QUAD & BRICS

India’s strategic landscape is significantly influenced by its membership in both the Quad and BRICS. These two multilateral platforms offer India distinct advantages and challenges. Quad: A Strategic Pivot The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) is a strategic partnership aimed at maintaining a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific region. For India, it offers: Strategic Autonomy: India […]

July 22, 2024

Ivory Coast joins UN Water Convention as 10th African nation

Ivory Coast joined the United Nations Water Convention, becoming the 10th African nation to do so. In 2024, at least three more African nations, which include Sierra Leone, Zambia and Zimbabwe, are in the final stages of accession and joining the convention. Ivory Coast joined the convention to enhance cooperative water management across borders in response to growing water stress […]

July 16, 2024

Digital News Report 2024

This year’s report reveals new findings about the consumption of online news globally. It is based on a YouGov survey of more than 95,000 people in 47 countries representing half of the world’s population. The report looks at the growing importance of platforms in news consumption and production, including more visual and video-led social media […]

July 15, 2024

The United States Secret Service (USSS)

The United States Secret Service (USSS) is a federal law enforcement agency under the Department of Homeland Security. Its primary mission is to ensure the safety and security of the nation’s leaders, as well as to protect the financial infrastructure of the United States. Overview of the Secret Service: History and Evolution: Established: The USSS […]

July 13, 2024

What is Project 2025, and why is Donald Trump distancing himself from it?

A policy wishlist is making waves in the United States. The Mandate for Leadership 2025: The Conservative Promise was published in April 2023 by the ‘2025 Presidential Transition Project’, referred to in short as ‘Project 2025’. The 900-page document containing a plethora of extremely contentious policy proposals, has come under the spotlight ahead of next week’s Republican National […]

July 10, 2024

Behind Russia’s ‘high income’ rating from World Bank: 

The World Bank upgraded Russia from an “upper-middle income” country to a “high-income” one, a status it last had in 2014. The ranking was boosted by growth in trade (+6.8%), the financial sector (+8.7%), and construction (+6.6%), which led to increases in both the real (3.6%) and nominal (10.9%) GDP. The improvement, however, is on […]

July 9, 2024

France’s political system : Election Process

France’s political system is a semi-presidential representative democratic republic, which means that it combines elements of both presidential and parliamentary systems. Political System Executive Branch President: The President of France is the head of state and is elected for a five-year term (renewable once). The President has significant powers, including appointing the Prime Minister, presiding […]

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International Relations | Vaid ICS Institute - Part 3